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Take a look at all of our shenanigans over the years!

Wind Band Festival 2024

The 2024 festival was held in The Queen at Chester and had the theme "Countries of the World". Vaughan Fleischfresser and Morven Bell returned as guest conductors to put us through our paces. We had a Gala Concert from Chester Wind Band and in the cabaret a Nun's choir & oompa band. It was also Kevin's last Festival as Musical Director and a few tears were shed.
Wind Band Festival 2023

The 2023 Festival was held in The Queen at Chester and had the theme "Myths and Legends"
Wind Band Festival 2022

The 2022 Festival was held in The DoubleTree by Hilton - Queensferry Crossing, Edinburgh. Delighted to be back to a normal Festival, we embraced the theme of "A Space Odyssey". Capital Concert Band hosted the Festival & Friday night was a Scottish evening with haggis, neeps & tatties and a ceilidh. The conductors for the weekend were Vaughan Fleischfresser and Morvern Bell.
Wind Band Festival 2021

The 2021 Festival was held in The DoubleTree by Hilton Queensferrry Crossing, Edinburgh. After a year of no Festival thanks to Lockdown, we came back, complete with masks and social distancing and a theme of "Arabian NIghts" . Kevin Lamb did most of the conducting!
Wind Band Festival 2019

The 2019 Festival was held in Hothorpe Hall Theddingworth, Leicestershire and the theme was "Kings and Queens" & we saw the return of a Cabaret evening on the Saturday night - something from the very early days of the Festival. This year the association held a composer's competition. Composers were asked to compose an original work for symphonic wind band to celebrate the association's twentieth year. Karl D.A. Whelan was the winning composer & came along to our concert to hear the inaugural performance of Vicennial Celebration.
Wind Band Festival 2018

The 2018 Festival was held in Hothorope Hall Theddingworth, Leicestershire and was our 20th Festival!! The theme for the weekend was "War and Peace". The main guest conductor for the weekend was Colin Touchin, who returned for a second time after conducting us in 2013.
Wind Band Festival 2017

The 2017 Festival was held in the Erskine Bridge Hotel, Glasgow. Capital Concert Band hosted the weekend and presented a Scottish Evening on the Friday night, complete with haggis, neeps and tatties and a ceilidh. The theme was "The Wild West" - some of the costumes proved interesting attire for ceilidh dancing!
Wind Band Festival 2016

The 2016 Festival was held in the Webbington Hotel in Taunton. The theme for the weekend was "Heroes and Villains" with the music and the costumes reflecting this choice. The guest conductors for the weekend were David Marshall, former Director of Music of The Coldstream Guards, and Don Lloyd a renowned Bassoonist and former Bandmaster in HM Royal Marines.
Conducting Workshop 2016

A conducting workshop was held in Edinburgh by Kevin Lamb. Capital Concert Band provided a band for them to practice on. It was an enlightening experience for members of the band as well as the trainee conductors!
Honour's Band 2016

We trialed an Honour's Band at the Europa Hotel in Gatwick, where a few members of the Association got together to play a more challenging repertoire.
Wind Band Festival 2015

The 2015 Festival was held in the Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire. The theme was "Gangs from the Musicals" with an array of costumes on the Friday night and lots of fun music to get our teeth into.
Wind Band Festival 2014

The 2014 Festival was held in the Britannia Hotel, Newcastle Airport. It was our first outing to the North East of England and to mark the occasion we celebrated the history of the area through some exciting music by composers such as Nigel Hess, Gustav Holst, Philip Sparke, Gilbert Vinter, Gordon Langford and Michael Short. We held a "Charity Race Night" on the Friday night & we had a Gala Concert performed by Newcastle Wind Band.
Wind Band Festival 2013

The 2013 Festival was held in the Webbington Hotel in Taunton. The theme for the weekend was "Blue". The guestconductors were Colin Touchin and David Marshall.
Wind Band Festival 2012

The 2012 Festival was held in the Webbington Hotel in Taunton.
Wind Band Festival 2011

The 2011 Festival was held at the Europa Gatwick Hotel. It was the last weekend in October, so we had a Halloween themed Friday night.
Wind Band Festival 2010

The 2010 Festival was held at the Europa Gatwick Hotel. We had a Barn Dance for the Friday night entertainment.
Wind Band Festival 2009

The 2009 Festival was held at the Erskine Hotel in Glasgow. We had a ceilidh for the Friday Night entertainment.
Wind Band Festival 2008

The 2008 Festival was held in the Erskine Hotel in Glasgow. We had a ceilidh for the Friday Night entertainment.
Wind Band Festival 2007

The 2007 Festival was held in Clevedon